Humans now live in a world that changes over night with a brain that evolves over millennia. If you want your programs to be successful you absolutely must use a Human-Cantered Design (Design Thinking) methodology.

The Problem We Face

Does it sometimes seem like work itself becomes more complex everyday while the individual capacity to deal with complexity remains insufficient.  It seems like every second problem faced is a Wicked Problem. 

Author and Psychologist Nathaniel Branden wrote “We now live in a global economy characterized by rapid change, accelerating scientific and technological breakthroughs, and an unprecedented level of competitiveness. These developments create demand for higher levels of education and training than were required of previous generations. Everyone acquainted with business culture knows this. What is not understood is that these developments also create new demands on our psychological resources. Specifically, these developments ask for a greater capacity of innovation, self-management, personal responsibility, and self-direction. “

 If you need a systematic, inclusive, participative process to meet the most stubborn and demanding challenges your organisation faces then you need Human-Centered Design

A Solution That Works

If you want to systematically draw on your people’s greater capacity to solve even the most complex problems the you want to Human-Centred Design in your tool kit.

The HCD approach to problem-solving is iterative, measurable and results-driven. It is a design and management framework that develops solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process.

Human involvement typically takes place in observing the problem within context, brainstorming, conceptualizing, developing, and implementing the solution.

HCD methods improve outputs by:

  • increasing the productivity of users and the operational efficiency of organizations;
  • being easier to understand and use, thus reducing training and support costs;
  • increasing usability for people with a wider range of capabilities and thus increasing accessibility;
  • improving user experience;
  • reducing discomfort and stress;
  • providing a competitive advantage, for example by improving brand image;
  • contributing towards sustainability objectives


Human-Centered Design is a one-day program runs in conjunction with Human Foundations and can be run with Human Extensions.